Year: 2024
31st December 2024
Stayed over in Chirk last night. The ADHD people called for 9 year old, the receptionist had failed to cancel the appointment after I called her, they also hadn’t had the ECG results so the appointment wouldn’t have gone anywhere. I had a feeling this would happen but dared to trust the system. Played blankety…
30th December 2024
Christmas has been put away. The tree we had this year was different to previous and meant to be ultra none shed. I was going to chuck it out the window but when removing the decorations felt that the measles had become brittle so carried it out and only had to spent half an hour…
29th December 2024
The fog has receded! Going to clean the house this morning ready for friends visiting later. House tidy, lots of lovely food in the fridge. Successful evening spent eating and drinking with friends. And the children didn’t fall out! I’ve discovered that Archerss and Vimto work as a drink. Now watching Guardians of the Galaxy.
28th December
When will this fog end? Hopefully tomorrow, but I think days of fog may be the most depressing weather for me. At least if it’s raining something is happening, bug fog is just damp, cold and miserable. Interesting piece on Radio 4 today programme on the history of pain and the loss of language to…
27th December
Another foggy day. Started the day with a new coffee, the Ms Tia has run out and am now drinking Aldi ground Colombian in the coffee machine. It’s good, I think we’ll have more. Plan for today is to do the ironing, then go to the light shop in Stourbridge to see if we can…
Boxing Day
It’s still foggy this morning. The 9 year old used his TV for the first time last night and this morning, he has followed the rules of when it can be turned on and has to be turned off. Went to parents for a beef dinner. It is foggy at their house too. It’s quite…
Christmas Day
It’s Christmas Day, got up at 8 and the children opened their gifts. Both very pleased with what they received, a TV and PS5 seems to go down well. I’ve had a crate of wine and some gin along with a food hamper. Basically cheese and booze makes me happy! PS5 and TV setup by…
Christmas Eve
Today I have planted and watered my greengage tree, I’ve put it by the wall after the swings in the garden so that when I redo the garden it will be in the right place. We had Polish Christmas Eve food, with Beetroot soup to start and then the Bigos I made yesterday for mains…
Focus Festival 2025 – First 75 Artists
I’ve created a playlist featuring the first 75 artists announced for Focus Festival 2025. Here’s the link:
Storm Darragh
This past weekend, Storm Darragh swept through our neighborhood, leaving a trail of minor destruction in its wake. Fortunately, we only suffered light damage, with our awning taking the brunt of the wind’s force. However, not everyone was as lucky. Just two doors up, our neighbors experienced some damage to the tiles on their gazebo.…